Any data you supply whilst visiting this website is strictly for internal use at UK Business Databases and will not be passed on to any third party.
We compile visitor information including total number of visitors, pages viewed and other information – no individuals are identified. We use this data to improve our understanding of our visitors and to enhance our navigation and user experience.
How we use cookies
Generally cookies are used to improve the user’s browsing experience and particularly they alow for a more effective website browsing experience, store login and preferences. Are extremely important for the functionality of e-commerce websites like ours. Avoid to enter the same information (such as user name, password and identification data) several times while visiting the site or filling the forms. Measure the use of the services by users, in order to optimize their experience. Provide targeted advertising information based on interests and behavior shown by the user while browsing. Below are listed all types of cookies used in our website with a description on the purpose of their use.
You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer.